Finding Nina Adventure - Packing up my Australian Life

The daily reminders of a crumbled love affair and the heartache surrounding my now disconnected family compelled me to make a bold decision. With audacious courage, I quit my teaching job, packed away my photography business, put all of my personal belongings into storage, hired an agent, rented out my apartment, and bought a plane ticket to London.

How did I find myself in this complete and utterly dejected situation? That is an entire story unto itself. I’ll brave that one soon, so stay tuned. Meanwhile, I'm heading to London without a definite plan. I’m just going to see what comes up and where the universe takes me.

I'll go back to my roots, the place I was conceived and where I have much history. Maybe I’ll start there. Let’s find out.

Find out how I got to this point here.

That's me. Initially, I thought to describe myself by my profession, I'm a Professional Photographer. Yet, I am much more than my work. I am an insightful, intelligent, adventurous woman on a life journey of discovery about myself and the universe. Every day is an adventure and if you are happy to follow along, I am happy for you to join me.

Where you can find my work...
I will be documenting my travels through photography on Facebook and Instagram. Prints will also be available on my website. If you are interested in following along, here are some of my sites.

Facebook Group - Finding Nina Adventure
Sharing daily adventures from my travels including discoveries about myself and the people around me 

An in-depth look at places I've visited with plenty of travel information from Ireland, France, UK, Iceland and who knows where next.  

Where you can purchase signed, framed limited edition prints of my work.

My professional work as a portrait photographer


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Previous Posts

Beautiful Teen Girl Portrait- Funny Faces-Too Much Fun!

Cambodian kids bring tears of joy! - Our visit to a remote school in Thailand

Top 5 Photo Tips for Lifestyle Bloggers

The Love Story Part 1 - A Chance Meeting.

Pet Photography - Product Photography

The Love Story Part 11 - The Final Breakdown

Mum - its been two years now


Vivid Chatswood 2015

Clown Doctors -The Children's Hospital, Westmead