
Showing posts with the label chatswood photographer

Business Portrait - Profile Photographs - Headshots

Business portraits for LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook are one of my favourite to shoot. It is so important to have a professional looking image at the forefront of your profile. In this studio shoot at my Chatswood location, we made a variety of clothing, hair, position, lighting and background changes so that the client would have a selection of images to choose from. These are just a few.

Babies Galore-Newborn Baby Portraits on Black Background


Business Portraits - Fun Shoot at Sydney Digital Media Company

Founder and Managing Director, Grant Salinger Motionlink  are digital media specialists based in Crows Nest. Known within the industry as being fast to market with the latest technology together with a high level of quality assurance means they are an industry leader in  Digital Cinema Mastering  and  Advanced Mastering  for all forms of  Home Entertainment . A revamp of their website meant new photos and being a highly creative crowd, this proved to be quite innovative! As well as the workplace portrait, the team are having rollover portraits so that when you rollover their image on the "about" page, their thumbs up image appears! Very fun. Do what you LOVE and have FUN doing it! The finished product. Check out the Motionlink website for a better look...

Child Portrait - Oliver and Missy, The Labradoodle

What did you say? Working with children and pets is a nightmare. Not quite, but very challenging. Usually one or the other is ok but put the two together and you will definitely be in need of a calming cup of tea afterwards! 

Beautiful Child Portrait - When You Least Expect it!

What do you do when the dog has had enough...photograph the children!  Today we were photographing for a pet magazine, ( Pet Industry News )  but Missy, the Labradoodle decided to take a break alas Miss Em was not finished.  It's autumn in Oz right now and the leaves and flowers are all over the ground...such a pretty backdrop (for a short while at least). Em decided herself that she would like to be photographed and had set her pretty dress and shoes out the night before. This always makes for the best shoots. Children that actually enjoy the camera as opposed to those who require bribes or treats!!!

Small Business Portrait - Natural for the Naturopath...

Please meet my lovely friend Siggi.  A busy mother of four happy and healthy children, Siggi is concerned about other children consuming food of very little nutritional value (junk) when healthy food is so quick and easy to prepare. Being a Naturopath, Siggi has a keen awareness of the key elements necessary for the optimal health of the body and mind.  Conversely, she can predict what future ailments lay ahead for those who choose to avoid such a wholesome diet. As such, she has started a Blog where she will share healthy recipes that are quick and easy to prepare. Feel free to visit her blog and try her recipes. Think I'll try the Carrot Cake...yum!

High School Formal Dance Photography - Killara High School

Professional portraits for your high school dance or dinner? I wish they had thought of this when I went to high school! Although I remember it vividly, I do not have one image of my year 10 formal. What a fabulous idea! 20 years from now, these kids will love showing these happy snaps to their kids. They will reminisce about what they wore, how great they looked, who their friends were and how much fun they had! I had a wonderful time and all the kids were amazing! They just fell into their poses for the formal shots, each guy and girl looking as though they had stepped out of a magazine! Sometimes the formal consists of a dinner but tonight we are dancing away at Home Nightclub at Darling Harbour, downtown Sydney.

Tween Girl Photo Shoot - The Reluctant Model

What do you do when your studio is all set and your client postpones?? Grab your daughter and her girlfriend and make them model for you...or not! Please...not another photo shoot! Really not working for me! Model becomes photographer... You can imagine that the daughter of a photographer can, be less than enthusiastic (i.e. when not being bribed with toys or money), about spending yet another  minute behind the camera so I asked her to become the photographer...she took some pretty cool shots. I love it when children take over the camera. It gives me a perspective that I wouldn't have normally considered! The reactions they receive are also different to what I might get. Altogether it worked out pretty well.

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