
Showing posts with the label free portrait sessions

Free Photo Sessions - How To Avoid Being Tricked Into Spending Thousands

Luring people in with free portrait sessions has been around forever, the language has just changed. Now you will see "Families Wanted" or "Photographer Wants To Expand Portfolio" or "Looking for Mothers and Daughters" or "Kids and Pets shoot for charity". It's all just the same thing. Your Free Session Just Cost You $3,000 You have your free photo session. A week later you go in to the studio to view your photos and cannot resist your gorgeous children on the screen so you spend $3,000 to get 2 framed pics and a 5x7" for your mum. You walk away with an ache in the pit of your stomach. You finally get the framed photos hung onto your wall but every time you look at them you are reminded of the thousands you you racked up on your credit card to pay for them.   Buyers Remorse and Anxiety What you are feeling is feel buyers remorse . Not just because of the guilt you are feeling about the money spent but because you were tricked ...

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