
Showing posts with the label keywords

Keywords The Key To Top Rated Google Searches - Top Lawyer LinkedIn Profile Photo Session

The Red background stands out as a LinkedIn Profile Photo This nice clean image will feature on the front page of the website. The smart and lovely Family Lawyer Anjli, was my subject for this session. Anjli needed some headshots for her LinkedIn profile as well as her website for her firm, Western Sydney Legal Practice. As we needed images for a variety of purposes, we shot on different coloured backgrounds and changed outfits a few times.  Anjli ended up using the red for the LinkedIn which I just love. Scrolling down all of the LinkedIn profiles, she definitely makes an impression! As search engines are unable to read images, it is important to load them with keywords and alt tags so that you can be found. It also increases ratings in  Google searches. So we loaded Anjli's images for her LinkedIn and Website with relevant keywords including services they provide and location information. This is a service that we provide at no extra charge, so ju...

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