
Behind The Scenes - Ronan Keating, Mirusia, Danielle Spencer and more donate time to ACMF

Ronan Keating  at Fox Studios on a break during The Voice Filming Don Spencer  ACMF Founder and Crusader When the producers at  Hixon Films  asked me to be a part of this project, I accepted without hesitation.  Firstly, being able to work with seriously talented, award winning producers Alex and Catherine was extremely appealing.  Then, being able to support  Australian Children's Music Fund  (ACMF) was an easy one for me. Such an  incredible organisation providing music to children that might not normally have access to it.  For me, it was personal. I couldn't imagine life without music. Music saved me. Through my brothers schizophrenic beatings, my mother's attempted suicide and the other childhood stresses, I was safe because I was able to channel my emotions into piano, singing and violin. I was one of the lucky ones. Peter Northcote  muscician and producer Shooting at  Key Studio  in North Sydney, t he line up of support was pretty incred

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