LinkedIn Portrait Editing Using Photoshop, Portrait Professional and Lightroom

With the prep, setup and shoot now complete, we are about half way through the process toward getting you a finished image. The above video is at 4x speed to give you a quick overview of the process involved in post production for each image selected. In actuality, the entire process takes between 5-10 minutes per image.

The images are uploaded using Lightroom where I do a run through and select my favourites. Selections are then uploaded onto my website for client proofing. I use Photoshelter for this process.

Once I have the clients selection, I send it to Photoshop (PS) from Lightroom (LR) which keeps my library in order as all changes made in PS will be saved in LR.

Here I get rid of stray hairs, dust balls and cat hair using the healing tool. I soften highlights with the clone tool and remove shadows with the curves adjustment.

I then use the Plugin Portrait Pro to take redness our of the skin, mildly smooth out shadows and bring a little more kick into the eyes.

Finally back in LR, I crop and export the final image ready to send to the client.

About The Author

Nina Beilby. Sydney Australia. Photographer. Corporate. Headshot. Linkedin
Nina Beilby is a professional photographer and photography educator based in Chatswood, Sydney, Australia. You can see more of her work at

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