
The Love Story Part 1 - A Chance Meeting.

We met through friends and the attraction was instant. A tingling sensation aroused from its sleeping hibernation. A burgeoning sexual energy combined with a sense of knowing that together we would be compatible in every sense. He would quieten my uneasiness and I would feel safe. I would be the spark to his humdrum, the wisdom to his healing. He was recently separated, and I was a few years down the track after my own split and divorce. A horrific affair that ended up with lawyers and court hearings for over 5 years. It was an abusive marriage that lasted over twenty years and I was happy to be out of it. I had become a person that I no longer liked. Through it, my self-esteem around relationships had taken a battering. I had been on a few dates and quite frankly, was exhausted by the entire process. So you can imagine the exhilaration when this lovely man reciprocated my attention. He was safe too because he was an old classmate of my girlfriend's husband. I didn't have to do

Finding Nina Adventure - Packing up my Australian Life

The daily reminders of a crumbled love affair and the heartache surrounding my now disconnected family compelled me to make a bold decision. With audacious courage, I quit my teaching job, packed away my photography business, put all of my personal belongings into storage, hired an agent, rented out my apartment, and bought a plane ticket to London. How did I find myself in this complete and utterly dejected situation? That is an entire story unto itself. I’ll brave that one soon, so stay tuned. Meanwhile, I'm heading to London without a definite plan. I’m just going to see what comes up and where the universe takes me. I'll go back to my roots, the place I was conceived and where I have much history. Maybe I’ll start there. Let’s find out. Find out how I got to this point  here . THE AUTHOR That's me. Initially, I thought to describe myself by my profession, I'm a Professional Photographer. Yet, I am much more than my work. I am an insightful, intelligent, adventur

It had to happen - I finally have covid

  It's frustrating more than anything. I'm not actually sick yet confined to the four walls of my bedroom for fear of spreading this nasty little virus to people who are much more susceptible to becoming very ill with it.  I realise that many people do not have this level of fortitude. There are definitely people out there milling about fully aware they are carrying the virus and probably the reason I caught this darn thing after 3 years of staying clear of it. Still, I'll sit here until I show a negative result on my lateral flow test as much as I really would love to be enjoying the amazing weather we are having this week in London. Stay well and have a great week. Nina 😊 THE AUTHOR That's me. Initially, I thought to describe myself by my profession, I'm a Professional Photographer. Yet, I am much more than my work. I am an insightful, intelligent, adventurous woman on a life journey of discovery about myself and the universe. Every day is an adventure and if you

London On The Move

London Eye from Westminster Bridge as a Red tourist bus passes On a recent visit, I found London to be a bustling hive of activity. Everyone was one the move. Tourists, shoppers, out of town visitors, theatre goers and locals alike. In addition to all of this busy scurrying, add thousands of passionate climate change protesters and supporters who blocked major thoroughfares and brought out regiments of regular and anti riot police squads. If that wasn't enough activity, one of the world's largest sporting events, The London Marathon brought tens of thousands out onto the streets that very same week. Climate Change Protesters at Parliament Square National Portrait Gallery To give a feel for this bustling city, I decided to photograph London on the move by using movement in my images. I did this numerous ways, all with just my camera, no Photoshop. Sometimes I used, long exposures, sometimes rotated the lens, used multiple exposures and even moved the

The Saddest Part Was Watching These Kids

Not All Kids Go To School The last few posts, we have talked about the amazing work that is being done at The Sangtawan School in Thailand.  Education, nourishment and emotional support for a small group of Cambodian children who would otherwise be neglected. Well, these are the neglected ones... The absolutely saddest part of this visit was to watch these kids who are not at the school, peer through the windows and hover in the doorways hoping that a small amount of teaching will make its way into their thoughts. They stare and wonder that maybe one day, they will be the chosen ones. I hope they are chosen too. Where exactly is Sangtawan School? Sangtawan School is in Khlong Hat District, Sa Kaeo, Thailand. ( 13°25'50.8"N 102°21'23.7"E) Right near the border of Cambodia and Ban Khao Din Checkpoint.  It took us a total of 4 hours to get here by bus from Bangkok. As it really is the middle of nowhere, we stayed in Sa Kaeo town and bused in

Education Is The Key To Ending Poverty

Lesson Tim e Time to get serious. This is the entire reason the school exists. With education, these kids might get jobs away from their desolate lives, away from the doldrums of watching their siblings whilst their parents work in the rice fields, from a possible life of begging or worse. With knowledge of Khmer, English and some Math, these kids are well armed to break the poverty cycle. There are three full time teachers at Sangtawan School who are wholly committed to engaging these children. The children, in return, are eager to impress. I witnessed the teachers as encompassing a happy combination of caring and fun but with the appropriate amount of firmness. Khmer Written Language I was struck by the beauty of the written Khmer language. It appears lyrical and romantic tinged with a semblance of ancientness. This is  from  Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. English Translation “ All human beings are born free and equal in dignit

Cambodian kids bring tears of joy! - Our visit to a remote school in Thailand

Steps With Hope Desperately in need of funds to continue their support of this little school in Thailand, Founder of  Steps With Hope , Jen Spoor, hosted a Mother's Day High Tea. After her presentation, I said to Jen, "if you want to make a bigger impact, you need better photos".   So that was that and I committed to visiting the school on their next trip.   Meet The Kids If you're like us, you will want to meet the kids right away. There are about 70 children currently attending the school with three classes starting at Kindergarten age.  These children come from poor Khmer families, remnants of a recovering population that has endured one of the darkest times times in its history.  Around 3 million people slaughtered and many more terrorized by the Khmer Rouge has left a devastated people still clawing its way back to normality.  Families reside in makeshift huts just over the border in Cambodia. The children walk across the Khlong Hat borde

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