I cried during my yoga class!
I have never been to a yoga class, let alone a three day retreat. For me, this was going to be a challenge but one I accepted with an open mind and open heart.
Guess what happened? After three days of yoga and meditation I was left physically and emotionally revived. My body and soul, regenerated. I felt engulfed by an aura of bliss and I adorned a constant smile. Exuding happiness and reflecting love. What a wonderful feeling. How did this happen?
Guess what happened? After three days of yoga and meditation I was left physically and emotionally revived. My body and soul, regenerated. I felt engulfed by an aura of bliss and I adorned a constant smile. Exuding happiness and reflecting love. What a wonderful feeling. How did this happen?
Yoga touched my soul.
Yes, I cried!
Whilst holding one of the dragon poses, a little
movie played out in my head. My younger brother was there, strawberry blonde bushy hair
and caramel coloured freckles, smiling and laughing as we played with a toy
phone we had made with two cups and a piece of string. It was clearly our
family home and we were around six or seven years. I began to sob. I hadn’t
remembered my house or my brother in years (he was killed at 18). More poignantly, I hadn't ever remembered us being happy. My friend held me tight in a bear
hug whilst I unloaded years of hurt. I miss my brother. I miss being happy. Many
tears were shed in this class. What I realised is how much pain is stored in
my body. I’m going to need a lot of Yin!
The Yogi matters
I don ‘t think the experience
would have been quite the same without our Nik Robson, a warm, spiritual soul
who engulfs you with a feeling of safety and a sense of love.
What is Yin Yoga?
Basically, you set an intention, get into a shape and hold it for a long time. After around three minutes of holding the pose, you relax into it and just let everything go. You can Google it if you want more technical information.
Pranayama what?
Whilst I’m not really certain of
the methods used, Nik explains his process here.
Whilst getting into Yin shape, we
use the power of the tantric techniques, pranayama, mudra, mantra and kriya
meditation all whilst talented musicians, River Roots and The Aidan Kelly Project played live music for us. Nik utilised
the Chakra system and prana vayus to guide us.
Now what?
On the final day, I became quite
agitated. I realised that I was sad to be leaving. I don’t really want to go
back to my previous chaotic and stressful existence. How can I maintain this relaxed
and mentally free existence and prevent my body and brain from arriving at this
depleted state of being again?
I'm not sure but I'll let you know when I figure it out.
About The Author
Nina Beilby is a professional photographer and photography educator based in Chatswood, Sydney, Australia. You can see more of her work at www.ninabeilby.com.au.
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